Next Congress of the European Forum for Research in Rehabilitation
18th Congress of the European Forum for Research in Rehabilitation (EFRR), 27th – 30th August, 2025, in Budapest, Hungary
In representing the International Scientific Committee Membership, we have the distinct pleasure of inviting you to the 18th Congress of the European Forum for Research in Rehabilitation (EFRR), scheduled in Budapest, Hungary, 27– 30 August, 2025. The 18th EFRR Congress intends to share the most contemporary clinical and basic research advances in the fields of Rehabilitation with concurrent sessions combining invited discussions, oral and abstract presentations, a great debate and fishbowl sessions. The meeting consisted of keynote lectures, educational workshops, interactive sessions, poster-oral presentations and meet-the-expert sessions of interest for both students and trainees as well as clinicians and scientists.
The main topics of the Congress will be:
- Rehabilitation of chronic neurological patients in children and adults
- Rehabilitation following brain-injury and stroke
- Rehabilitation of patients following limb amputation using the latest technics
- Rehabilitation post limb and pelvic trauma and operations
- Robotic therapies and application of innovative Technologies
- Role of rehabilitation medicine during and following cathastrophes
- Quality of care in rehabilitation
- Miscellaneous
The 18th EFRR Meeting will also be a unique opportunity to meet dear friends and to make new ones. Join us in Budapest and have a great time!
A European Congress organised by the EFRR is held regularly in a European country. The date and place of the Congress are to be determined by the Council. Other Scientific Meetings are to be held at the discretion of the Council and may be arranged in conjunction with other organisations.
Earlier Congresses of the European Forum for Research in Rehabilitation:
The book of abstracts is now available to download here: EFRR_2023_Abstract_Book
The theme of the 17th Congress of the European Forum for Research in Rehabilitation was ““Rehabilitation across the lifespan: Based on transdisciplinary approach”. The meeting consisted of keynote lectures, educational workshops, interactive sessions, poster-oral presentations and meet-the-expert sessions of interest for both students and trainees as well as clinicians and scientists.
Exceptionally, due to the pandemic, the 16th Congress of the European Forum for Research in Rehabilitation was held online. The virtual congress was again multiprofessional where both researchers and clinicians got together. It focused on various topics ranging from basic research on rehabilitation, return to work and quality of life, including technological improvements as well as the clinical viewpoints. The conference theme was “Inovating rehabilitation: building bridges between research, technology and service”. Besides plenary and invited lectures, the participants enjoyed the opportunity to present their work in form of oral presentations and poster sessions. Also workshops were offered and were attended mainly from young researchers.
For more Information on the congress, please click here:
The book of abstracts can be downloaded here.
The 15th Congress of the European Forum for Research in Rehabilitation was held together with the 28th German Congress for Rehabilitation Research (Reha-Kolloquium) and focused on how to scale up and strengthen the profile of rehabilitation as the key health strategy of the 21th century. The conference theme was “Rehabilitation – Shaping HealthCare for the future”. The joint conference aimed to maximize the input for improving both the provision of rehabilitation services and the standards of practice in these services.
For more Information on the congress, please click here:
Council members from right to left: Matilde Leonardi, Helena Burger, Susanne Weinbrenner, Frederike van Wijk, Sven-Uno Marnetoft, Gülseren Akyuz (former member until 2021), Susanna Melkas, Cecília Varjú
The 14th Congress of the European Forum for Research in Rehabilitation intended to provide everyone involved in rehabilitation research, practice, education, technology and policy making with an excellent opportunity to share cutting-edge research and best practice, and strengthen their networks in the city of Glasgow, UK. The theme of this conference was “Working in Partnership Across Boundaries”, which reflected the EFRR’s endeavour to improve the lives of people with disabilities through the advancement of research and education in all biopsychosocial aspects of rehabilitation.
Here you can download the Abstract book of EFFR Congress 2017.
Note: Unfortunately, the website of EFRR Congress 2017 got hacked and we therefore, had to close it.
The EFRR Council thanks you for your understanding!
The 13th EFRR congress is organised by The Society for Rehabilitation Research and Development (SRRD) and EFFR and included input from a number of stakeholders across the various different fields comprising rehabilitation research – from scientific to practical Research. The theme of the 2015 event was “Being, Doing, Participating,” a reference to the World Health Organisation’s International Classification of Functioning Disability and Health
The 12th Congress of the European Forum for Research in Rehabilitation provided shared knowledge to be used in human health, new scientific research, and for the improvement of educational efforts in rehabilitation.
11th Congress of European Federation for Research in Rehabilitation (EFRR), held in Riva del Garda during 26‐28 May 2011, aimed to highlight the need for further understanding the state of the art of the research in different fields of the Rehabilitation. The knowledge and experience gained from this congress intended to strengthen the studies on disabilities linked to different pathologies, making a significant contribution to the promotion of rehabilitation research in Europe.
Main Congress Sessions: (I) Biomedical research and rehabilitation: fundamental aspects, (II) Training and methodology in rehabilitation research, (III) Implementation of International Classification of Functioning (ICF), (IV) Measurement in rehabilitation, (V) Ethics problems in rehabilitation and in research, (VI) Collaborative research projects, (VII) Clinical evidences and research in rehabilitation, (VIII) Quality, competences, team, accreditation, innovation and research.